
The problem with diabetes is that it is SILENT.  You just don't wake up and think or feel you're diabetic.  If you wait for symptoms ... it might be too late.  With this condition, PREVENTION is better than cure!  The best medicine for you ... lead a healthy life ... have treats but not everyday, be active and have good food!

My Physical Condition since being diagnosed
Pressure sore / Ulcer  - right foot - still there after nearly 2 years! This is another blog altogether!
Neuropathy - lot less feeling both my feet.  Hands ok!
Circulation - seems normal.  Podiatrist tested.  Foot temperature - higher in right foot than left.
Eye sight - spots detected.  Right eye is the most concern of where the spots are.  Could affect my vision.  Treatment could involve a needle into the eye.  This is better than laser surgery which would not give the eye a chance to heal.

My Diet
Has changed quiet a bit ...

Breakfast - 2 / 3 weet bix and low fat milk

Lunch - one sandwich with at least tomato and low fat cheese
... or salad
... or feeling a bit cheeky - a microwave meal ...
the are surprisingly low in all the right areas .. I must admit the serves aren't that big .. but now I feel elegantly satisfied after one.

Dinner ... depending on what has been cooked ... but usually will involve vegetables in some form .. but never fried and no added salt or pepper.  

Snacks - yoghurt and fruit.

Since changing diet ... I didn't think I could physically eat the amount of food that I used to!  I tried once .. and it made me sick!  Now, I'm eating more regularly, I don't need to eat large amounts of food!