Giving up

... No, it's not what you think!

The main habit I had to change was drinking Coke.  Let's put it out on the table.  I was an excellent Coke drinker ... anywhere from 2 to 4 litres per DAY!  A can here, a can there and then some with lunch and dinner.   AMAZING ...  I didn't have it for breakfast.

I have tried to give it up in the past.  I found it was an addiction and a habit.  In the least it was going to be a challenge to give this up.  MY ONLY VICE ... I don't smoke, drink coffee or tea or water for that matter ... How was I going to get over this?

The longest I have ever been without Coke would be 4 weeks .. and thought I was doing well.  Until ... driving with my sister from Hervey Bay to Innisfail.  We stopped to have fish and chips and my sister asked what I'd like to drink ... (without thinking!) COKE was the reply and I was back on it!

But for me .. it was like something magical had happened .. I knew this was it ... I HAD TO GIVE UP! After a week of shaking and being grumpy from the withdrawals ... slowly I got over it!  I wasn't the happiest person.  The worst thing about giving up something like that ... was going out and seeing many people having the one thing that I couldn't have.  It seemed that nearly everyone I saw had a bottle of Coke in their hand!  But somehow I got out of the habit and addiction.

I am very pleased to report ... the number of bottles or cans of Coke drunk since 22/12/2010 is a grand total of 0, zip, nada ... NOTHING! Not even diet ... now it is water (soda or mineral water if at a pinch!) or apple raspberry cordial (no added sugar!) and now I'm good!

Giving up junk food ... was a no brainer!  Today ... give me all the good stuff ...but I don't mind a treat every now and then ... as I learnt in Music - Every Good Boy Deserves Chocolate .. oops Fruit! Very occasionally!