Before/After Diagnosis - Stats

A few months before diagnosis ...

I felt tired ... lack of energy ... not getting the work done that I was used to doing, even though I was drinking enough Coke to keep an entire town awake.  

Ulcer appeared on foot and despite best efforts it would not heal.  In fact, got bigger, even after applying a band-aid solution. (Band-aids literally!)  Came home from work and take shoes and socks off to find the sock full of blood.  Other sores and scratches taking a lot longer to heal.

I did not have extra thirst but then that might have been covered up by drinking the Coke and I thought I didn't have extra episodes of urination which are classic signs of diabetes.

After Diagnosis
My condition

Type 2 Diabetes
Blood Sugar Level - approx.  23 .... shoud be between 4 to 8.

After first blood test and 6 vials later ...

HbA1c - 11% --> Normal HbA1c  should be around 6 to 7%
Blood Pressure - fine (surprisingly!)
Cholesterol - 6% which is fine for a non-diabetic. (another surprise). So has to be lowered slightly.


1500 mg of Metformin
30 mg of Glycazide
Test blood sugar 3 times a day, 2 hours after each meal.

The hardest pill to swallow ... CHANGE DIET and LIFESTYLE!