What is meant by?

New to Diabetes or just want to know more ... here are my lay man's definitions!

HbA1c - a blood test that is carried out every three months to determine whether you have been naughty or nice.  An average of the sugar in your blood is calculated.  Sugar in the haemoglobin makes the blood sticky which is not good at all.  Below 6% is the goal for me but between 6 - 7% is acceptable.

Neuropathy - I can't feel my feet.  Loss of sensation.  In the case of my feet, I have to wear shoes a lot to avoid cutting myself!

Glucometer - unit that measures the level of my blood sugar ... Usually begin with testing 3 times per day ... 2 hours after meals.  Good way to earn money ... start taking bets on your blood sugar level ... closest one wins!  PS ... I have never been able to pick my own blood sugar level! Good luck with that one!

Hypoglycemia - Can be DANGERGOUS.  Hypo - Low.  Glycemia - blood sugar.  If you go too low ... can get into a coma-like situation.  Usually requires the use of a Glycogen Needle.  Get your family and work mates to learn how to use it.  Simple instructions inside the case.  Needs to be carried with you at all times.  Hypo is usually when the sugar level is below 4.  If you test and find yourself a little low ... eat something ... or drink milk! That the easiest way to fix it!  In case of emergency, have a HYPO PLAN!

Hyperglycemia - Hyper - High.  Glycemia - blood sugar.  Just as dangerous.  Can affect all organs of the body. This is an indicator of Diabetes.  Can go undiagnosed as you don't feel a thing. 

Type 1 Diabetes  - This means that the pancreas produces little or no insulin.  Use to be refered to as child onset diabetes.  Insulin is injected, as well as regular blood testing and strict dieting.

Type 2 Diabetes - (a.k.a NIDDM or noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus)
The pancreas still produces insulin but the cells have become insulin resistant.  It's like a lock and key.  The key won't open the lock that is now rusty.  So the sugar stays in the blood rather than going into the cells to be used for energy.  Used to be known as adult onset diabetes.'

More to come!